
  Damastes' Gambit You never know what your true colors are until you join the game. You can't switch between colors without paying the price. Black is easy, Red is only for masters and white next to impossible. The game of your life that is. My new novel. https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1580627

Pasiphae's Daughters

  ISBN:  9781005695088  Pasiphae's Daughters on Smashwords Flourishing civilizations disappeared without a trace, leaving behind ruins and hard to solve mysteries. Viruses, climate change, or natural disasters may be responsible for their decline for the most of them, but again life is a continuum and after all we are all surviving genes of the strongest and oldest of them. Victor Davia is not interested in all this; he is a practical man; his own problems and his interests revolve around a more selfish point of view. As many others before him and many others after him, Victor makes the choices he thinks correct for his career and makes his life easier. He is happily married to an excellent woman and coworker, and he is doing well with his technical office. Of course every choice one makes, no matter how big or small, defines his life course, sometimes irreversibly, especially if the later choices are trying to fix or cheat the former ones. As Victor puts it lately: “ hell, is sitt

Dark Mother

ISBN-13: 9781005445508   Pawns of demons in the middle of an epic battle; sinners beyond redemption shared the table of the unholy, now trying to escape the consequences of their terrible choice; lovers in despair to find a place, a home to make peace with their guilt; strays struggling to return to what once they called dull. Goners dreaming of Heaven, heading to hell, as angels and demons fight within them.  On their way to escape, they twist themselves more and more into an underground web of demonic plots and a hidden world, crossing paths with legends, cryptids, demons and vampires. Two damned lovers are reunited as a demon traps them into his plots. Dark secrets lurk along their path and every unexpected step will be a challenge for them and their devotion to each other.  Dark Mother on Smashwords Dark Mother on ibooks Dark mother at Kobo

Priestess Pronymph - A dark erotica novel.

The novel recounts the spiral of persons conducting their lives following their potential and desire, rather than common reason and social rule as to lead a life to pre-defined paths like most people do, is nothing but repeating the same life others conducted countless times before you. Dull lives, heading for some happy end. Nothing to discover not already discovered, nothing there different to feel than millions felt before you and when the time comes to relate where you did any difference with your life, these moments are the only left in your hand, the precious few moments you stray from the right path and let yourself go beyond boundaries and limits crossing to the wild side. This is a story of taboo erotica and paranormal that includes occult, incest, and bestiality as an integral part of the storyline. Note: This ebook is not publicly distributed. Contact the author at  Author